About the shoot:
We got to explore some abandoned buildings for Sophia’s model shoot. The lighting and textures were perfect for the look we had in mind and now we cant wait to find some more old buildings to add to our shoot locations for our seniors!

About the model:
Craziest childhood memory:
I was extremely obsessed with dressing like a princess as a toddler. So naturally my mom let me express my fashion sense (I wouldn’t have let her stop me anyway). She’d buy me princess dresses complete with costume jewelry and heels which would be my everyday attire. Well, one day I was at my aunts house in my wildly eccentric outfits and attempted to walk down metal stairs. I was in heels when I could barley use my own two feet and, as you could assume, I toppled down the stairs and landed on the cement at the bottom. I think it is safe to say I was willing to die for a good outfit lol.
Thing I’m most excited for senior year:
Being one step closer to my future and being able to enjoy the excitement of experiences as an upper class man!
My dream is:
To be involved in government or if that fails working with the cps. I care deeply about people and doing what’s right for improving quality of life. I want to inspire, provide hope, and happiness during my life time.
When I’m happy I:
I’m outside exploring with my friends. Also when i am doing something that can make someone’s day just a little bit better, even if it’s just giving them a laugh or two.

Next bucket list item I’m going to attempt:
Going to the Winchester mansion
Scariest thing I ever did:
Hiking explorations to abounded buildings. On one I occasion we thought we heard music playing upstairs so we went to investigate and found a music box on the floor. After that we ran out never to find the true explanation but were extremely spooked.
One word people use to describe me:
Why I choose Resolution:
I stumbled upon the Instagram page and fell in love with your photography style. You guys also seemed extremely personable based on the comments between you and your clients so I felt compelled to reach out and I’m very glad I did!