About the shoot:
Uhg, does it get any more fun than this?! We went with a retro lake vibe look and had a beautiful weather (we most defiantly earned it after this spring)! Can’t you just picture Maddie at a lake resort in the 60’s? LOVE the vintage feel!

About the model:
Craziest childhood memory:
In third grade, my family went to Hawaii for Spring Break and that year my birthday fell during spring break. The night before my birthday, my parents were up late watching TV and saw that a tsunami had just hit Japan. My dad, being the smart guy he is, realized that one would be headed straight for Hawaii next. He woke us all up and we drove up into the mountains and didn’t get there until about 11 at night, which for a third grader, may as well have been 2 in the morning. My swim with the dolphins got moved to a few days later, but at least I got a free brownie from a tiny café on the outskirts of Mauna Kea!
Thing I’m most excited for senior year:
Playing my senior season of rugby with my team and choosing my college!
My dream is:
To be able to help other people through my work in the future, whether it’s through biological research or in medicine!
When I’m happy I:
I’m with friends- I love joking around with people and making brand new memories. Being happy is made so much more fun when you’re with others.

Next bucket list item I’m going to attempt:
Becoming a lifeguard!! I’ve loved swimming since I was super little and always wanted to be a lifeguard.
Scariest thing I ever did:
Flew alone from Green Bay to San Francisco.
One word people use to describe me:
Why I choose Resolution:
I’ve seen the amazing pictures they’ve taken for others for the past few years and it was kind of a no brainer for me- some of my mom’s former students have gone through them and I figured why not