
About the shoot:

If you have seen any of our other model blog posts, you will already know we have had a bad hand dealt with the weather. Sadly Faith’s session was no exception. It was freeeeeezing but I super love the vintage road trip vibe we were able to get! We hit of some adventury looking outdoorsy spots to add to the road trip look 😀

About the model:


Craziest childhood memory:

At one of my first sleepovers, I was hanging upside down from the top bunk of my bunk bed, and was talking to my friend who was in the bottom bunk. Somehow I accidentally let go and did a flip onto the hardwood floor. As I was crying, and my parents were rushing up the stairs to see what was going on, all I can remember is my friend laughing at what had happened. Fortunately, I was okay, and the only thing I broke was my Cinderella night light. 

Thing I’m most excited for senior year:

Making the most out of every little high school activity. From cheering at Friday night football games, running cross country and track meets, laughing at classroom jokes, dancing at the dances, watching every event, and even possibly doing some homework, I’m going to make sure that my senior year is the best year.

My dream is:

To study abroad in and explore Europe.

When I’m happy I:

It is a sunny, 70 degree summer morning, and I have just finished a run. 

Next bucket list item I’m going to attempt:

Going on a long road trip adventure this summer. (Something my friends and I have been planning since freshman year).

Scariest thing I ever did:

Driving across The Chesapeake Bay Bridge in Maryland on my way to Ocean City with two friends and my FBLA advisor. I’m absolutely terrified of bridges, so for the 4.3 miles across open water, I may have been in slight panic mode. 

One word people use to describe me:


Why I choose Resolution:

I chose Resolution because after following them on Instagram for a while, I fell in love with their photography. Then, after talking with some of my friends who had their senior pictures done through them, they told me how much fun they had at every shoot, and how amazingly wonderful the pictures always turn out. I am constantly impressed with their creativeness and personality that shows in their work, and I could not be any happier with my decision to have my senior pictures taken through them as well. 

It’s time to start planning your senior pictures!