About the shoot:
What happens when you throw some flowers together with some pastel backgrounds and fresh lighting? Funky flowers (yes we made this up). We love the feel of this shoot, super fun and bright along with the splash of commercial ad quality.
p.s. yes the flowers we harmed in this production. Sorry flowers, you served us well.

About the model:
Craziest childhood memory:
When I was 9 years old, my grandpa bought me a go kart that I would ride around in their yard all the time. One day, my grandpa told me to pull it around front, but it didn’t have very good breaks so what started as breaking and slowing down to park it in the yard turned into me underneath my dad’s jeep.
Thing I’m most excited for senior year:
During senior year I am taking a class that will allow me to student teach at the elementary schools, which is where I see myself one day.
My dream is:
My dream is to travel the world and see the amazing things the world has to offer.
I’m happiest when:
I am happiest when I am surrounded by my incredible family.

Next bucket list item I’m going to attempt:
My next bucket list item I am going to attempt is zip lining when I go to Costa Rica this summer.
Scariest thing I ever did:
The scariest thing I ever did was switch schools after being in the same district for 9 and a half years, but it ended up being the best decision for me.
One word people use to describe me:
Why I chose Resolution:
I chose Resolution because I had seen others senior pictures and I enjoyed how different they were. For example, my friend Mallory’s pictures were like a road trip and I enjoyed how they were very outside of the box.