
Well this was a fun one! The theme here was “dancing through the storm” and well, that’s what we did! The girls did a great job matching up in white dresses and posed to perfection, then we worked our magic to transport them to a raging sea with the rain and waves crashing around their small boat. I like to include little personal touches in every image and so the top of their mast is actually Thors hammer, I love comic book characters and so having the god of thunder guarding their ship just seemed perfect!

We asked the graduating seniors what they’re going to miss most after their final year on the West Depere dance team and included their quotes under their solo images!

“I am definitely going to miss the football games and going to state, but most of all the amazing people I’ve met and the friendships I have made!”

“I am going to miss so much! This team is a family and I’m going to miss that aspect of it. Really though I think I’m going to miss the rush of competitions. I’ve competed in other sports and at dance studios but nothing is the same as hearing your school name and waiting for the music to start full of adrenaline. Dancing and competing with your whole heart for 2 1/2 minutes. I don’t think there is anything else out there like that.”

“The commitment and the bond with everyone. Mostly dancing!”